Hey Gallatin Valley!

This site exists to help local people and businesses during an unprecedented time in history. Here you can find listings of businesses, services, public places and how they might be impacted during the pandemic

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Submit a Business Listing

Just fill out the simple form, we'll validate the info and it will go live simple as that. If you need to update a listing currently you'll just need to send feedback and we'll take care of it. These listings are completely free to local area businesses.

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See the Listings

We've presented the data in tabular format that you can sort by deliver options, pickup options and buy a giftcard direct from the business to you use later and help them out right now! These are our neighbors.

I'm also very excited to say that we have a new feature provided by my new friends at the City of Bozeman Strategic Services department that provides an interactive map that allows for a wonderful visual representation of the Bozeman Business Listings

Get Listings See the Map!